Volunteer Job Descriptions
Executive Committee ("The Board")
Elected Members: President, Vice-Pres., Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar
Appointed Members: Co-Secretary, Co-Treasurer, Co-Registrar, New Family Greeter,Volunteer Coordinator, Facilities Liaison
- Member of the Executive Committee
- Member of the Personnel Committee
- Supervises the affairs of the Board
- Chairs all meetings of the Society, Board, and Executive
- Acts as a spokesperson for the Society
- Acts as CEO of the Society and is responsible for its general administration
- Acts as the liaison between the teacher and the Board, Personnel Committee
- Is the chief signing officer
- Carries out other duties assigned by the Board
- Member of the Executive Committee
- Member of the Social Events Committee
- Attends all meetings of the Society, Board and Executive
- Presides at all meetings in the President’s absence
- Replaces the President at various functions when asked to do so
- Responsible for the overall coordination of the Parent Information Meetings
- Is a signing officer
Carries out other duties assigned by the Board
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- Member of the Executive Committee
- Member of the Fundraising Committee
- Attends all meetings of the Society, Board, and Executive
- Keeps accurate minutes of the meetings and updates the minutes book regularly
- Makes minutes available to the Board members at least one week prior to the next monthly meeting
- Writes the agenda for all meetings with input from the Board
- Carries out other duties assigned by the Board
- Member of the Executive Committee
- Member of the Accounting Committee
- Attends all meetings of the Board
- Creates and manages the systems used for the accounting of all revenues and expenditures
- Prepares and presents an accounting of revenues and expenditures (including performance to budget) at all Board meetings
- Prepares and presents a statement of the current financial position of the Society at the Annual General Meeting
- Submits one and two-year budgets to the Executive Committee and presents the approved budgets at the Annual General Meeting
- Prepares and files all necessary financial reports pertaining to the Society’s Act and Charitable Organization Status
- Invests surplus funds
- Signs cheques and other banking papers
- Carries out other duties assigned by the Board
- Member of the Executive Committee
- Member of the Registration Committee
- Attends all meetings of the Board
- Sets registration policy (procedures, fee levels, etc.), in consultation with the Board and Registration Committee
- Coordinates the Annual Open House in conjunction with the Non-Classroom Events Committee, Promotions Committee, Classroom Facilities Committee, and Classroom Events & Displays Committee
- Manages the registration of new families at the Annual Open House and throughout the school year, and maintains the waitlist
- Checks the telephone answering machine and e-mail account every school day, for registration-related messages
- Responds, by phone or e-mail, to all registration inquiries within 2 school days
- Contacts the Class Liaisons if a prospective family wants a tour during class times
- Contacts the Co-Registrar, Class Liaison and teacher if a new student starts classes during the school year
- Makes changes to the telephone answering machine recordings as needed
- Updates registration materials (covering letter and registration form) as needed, and ensures their availability at all times
- Ensures the accuracy of the website registration content, in collaboration with the Website Coordinator
- Ensures the accuracy of the registration content for any advertising materials, in collaboration with the Advertiser/Promoters
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Appointed Members of the Board
- Member of the Promotions Committee
- Attends all meetings of the Board
- Writes the monthly Board newsletter, with input from other Board members as required
- Makes sure all notices of various meetings are sent
- Informs Garneau school, it’s caretakers and security of any meetings held on-site
- Has charge of the Board’s correspondence
- Files the annual return, changes in the directors, amendments in the bylaws and other incorporating documents with Corporate Registry
- Attends the Edmonton Preschool Association AGM and reports to the Board
- Carries out other duties assigned by the Board
- Member of the Accounting Committee
- Attends all meetings of the Board
- Makes deposits related to non-parent funds
- Generates cheques for parent, staff and third-party reimbursement
- Generates cheques for billed expenses
- Generates tax receipts for all donations
- Assists the Treasurer in the preparation of one and two-year budgets
- Assists the Treasurer in investing surplus funds
- Signs cheques and other banking papers
- Carries out other duties assigned by the Board
- Member of the Registration Committee
- Attends all meetings of the Board
- Receives and ensures completeness of registration forms and cheques from new and continuing families
- Coordinates, with the Class Liaisons, any registration-related issues arising with respect to registered families during the school year (withdrawals, changes in days, missing cheques)
- Coordinates the registration process for continuing families for the next academic year, prior to the Open House
- Organizes the registration portion of the Parent Information Meetings, in consultation with the Registrar and Database Registrar
- Consults with the teaching staff on the creation of a staggered entry plan for the fall term
Revises the Parent Handbook as needed, and ensures its availability for new families and at the Parent Information Meetings
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2’s New Family Greeter, 3’s New Family Greeter, 4/5’s New Family Greeter (preferably with a child in all classes of that age-group)
- Member of the Registration Committee
- Orients and integrates new families that register during the school year, in consultation with Registrar and Volunteer Co-ordinator
- Ensures families receive a welcome package (ie. Parent Handbook)
Volunteer Coordinator
- Member of the Registration Committee
- Attends all meetings of the Board
- Organizes and coordinates the signing-up of parent volunteers at the Parent Information Meetings
- Assists the Class Liaisons when parents sign-up for volunteer positions during the school year
- Ensures the Database Registrar is aware of changes to volunteer assignments
- Works with the teaching staff, Class Liaisons, and Committee Board Representatives to ensure that parents understand the job description for their position and that they are meeting the requirements of that position
- Keeps the job descriptions of all positions up-to-date
- Maintains and distributes to all parents at the end of the school year a survey that records tips on how to perform each position (i.e. Please write a brief description of the main tasks you did throughout the year in this position; Did you find you needed help from anyone to perform your tasks (i.e. Registrar, Treasurer, teaching team); What was the most time consuming task? Did you work out a system that worked well for you, and if so, what was it? etc.)
- Creates and distributes memos and thank-you cards from the Board to the parents
Facilities & Garneau School Liaison
- Member of the Classroom Facilities Committee
- Attends all meetings of the Board
- Works with the teaching staff to arrange for extra cleaning after term cleaning parties
- Liaises between Springhill and the Garneau School Caretakers on matters such as extra cleaning
- Liaises between Springhill and Garneau School on matters such as use of the gym, parking, transportation planning, and attends any associated meetings
- Liaises between Springhill and EPSB on matters such as lease negotiations, facility repairs and improvements, and attends any associated meetings
- Liaises between Springhill and the University and Community Daycare on matters such as sharing of physical resources and special events
Carries out other duties assigned by the Board
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Accounting Committee
Committee Members: Treasurer, Co-Treasurer, Payroll Treasurers, Database Treasurer
Co-Treasurer (Appointed Board Member)
Payroll Treasurer
- Calculates employee pay and deductions, including those for relief staff
- Generates cheques and payroll statements for staff
- Generates cheques for government remittances
- Generates, files and distributes all payroll documents, including tax receipts and records of employment
Database Treasurer
- Enters data for deposits and disbursements into the accounting database
- Enters data for parent deposits (registration fees, tuition fees, fundraising donations, cleaning and casino deposits) as detailed by the Database Registrar
- Enters bank interest and service charges as detailed on bank statements
- Balances bank account statements with database accounts
- Informs the Co-Registrar of any returned (NSF) cheques
Co-Registrar (Appointed Board Member)
2’s New Family Greeter, 3’s New Family Greeter, 4/5’s New Family Greeter
Volunteer Coordinator (Appointed Board Member)
Database Registrar
- Files completed registration forms and emergency cards in the classroom
- Ensures emergency cards are always up-to-date
- Files cheques in the locked cheque-box
- Maintains the master registration chart and ensures all members of the Registration Committee and the teaching staff have up-to-date copies
- Maintains the master registration database
- Maintains the master volunteer list
- Generates the monthly deposits of parent cheques: registration fees, tuition fees, donations, cleaning and casino deposits, and submits details to the Database Treasurer
- Generates class lists, phone lists, Board Member lists, etc. as requested by the teaching staff, Class Liaisons, Board, etc.
Tour Guide
- Meet prospective families at the school to give tours. The Registrar will direct families to the Tour Guide who will make arrangements with the teachers, the prospective family and yourself.
- This position requires someone who is available for both morning and afternoon tours. Please note: Children may accompany their parent, but are not to interfere with the program in session.
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Personnel Committee
- Chairperson of the Personnel Committee
- Coordinates the annual review of the teaching team as outlined in the Personnel binder
- Maintains personnel records required by the Board and keeps the Personnel binder up-to-date
- Creates and maintains documents required for the review process
- Provides a written summary of the review process and results to the Board
- Assists the Hiring Coordinator with the hiring process
Hiring Coordinator
- Coordinates the hiring process
- Solicits applications, in coordination with the Board and teacher, from potential teaching staff and short-lists and schedules interviews with applicants
- Creates and maintains a Hiring Committee binder outlining Springhill’s interview process (where we advertise, list of interview and reference checking questions, security check forms, sample contracts)
- Conducts security and reference checks
- Coordinates with Springhill’s lawyer the creation and signing of the contract
- Provides a written summary of the hiring process and results to the Board
- Assists the Personnel Coordinator with the annual review process
Personnel Helper
- Finds a relief teacher or parent when any of the teaching staff is absent, due to illness or injury
- Attends and participates in the bi-annual review process of the teaching team
- Attends and participates in the hiring process of any incoming staff
Non-Classroom Events Committee
- Arranges a planning meeting for each event, with pre-arranged volunteers, by required date of each event
Follows-up to ensure all tasks are being completed
- Advance preparations
- Food items arranged
- Gift purchases arranged
- Approves expenditures with Treasurer and submits all receipts to Co-Treasurer for reimbursement
Completes a simple report on event and files in a binder (phone numbers, contacts, etc. for their predecessors)
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Fundraising Committee
- Organizes and oversees the casino fundraiser every second year (2004, 2006, …)
- Maintains records of the fundraiser as needed by the Board
- Keeps track of paper work with respect to the casino and Corporate Registry
Casino Assistant 1, 2 (two positions)
- Organizes and schedules parent volunteers for the casino
- Assists the Casino Coordinator in all aspects of the casino preparation and operation
- Keeps track of families who participate and provides a record to the Co-Registrar
Business Liaison
- Solicits charitable donations of goods, services or money from local businesses (i.e. ice cream from Baskin Robbins for the Year End party; paint from RONA to paint furniture; carpentry assistance from a local crafts worker to fix tables and chairs; computer equipment and software from local IT firms and computer stores; charitable monetary donations from companies in return for being listed as Sponsors on all Springhill documents; discounts from local toy stores; etc.)
- Maintains a record of all companies and groups contacted, and the outcome
- Submits a copy of the record to the Board each month (via the Secretary’s mailbox)
Promotions Committee
Co-Secretary (Appointed Board Member)
- Advertises the Society’s programs and activities by various means as directed by the Executive Committee
- Creates or organizes and oversees the creation of advertising materials as directed by the Board (info sheet, brochures, flyers, newspaper ads, etc.)
- Maintains a record of the Society’s advertising
- Prepares notices, invitations and press releases for the Open House
- Distributes flyers and brochures to local schools, playgrounds, health centers, supermarkets, libraries, restaurants and cafes, churches and other public places that have community bulletin boards
- Maintains a list of where and when promotional materials were placed
- Staffs the booths set-up to promote registration (malls, farmer’s market, etc.)
Approves expenditures with the Treasurer and submits receipts to the Co-Treasurer for reimbursement
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Website Coordinator
- Develops and maintains a website for Springhill as directed by the Executive Committee
- Updates website content as needed, with input from the Registrar
- Checks once a day and answers email enquiries
- Forwards a copy of any registration related emails to the Registrar
- Submits a hardcopy of any threatening emails to the Board
- Orients new weekly cleaners with respect to their responsibilities and tasks
- Fills in or finds a replacement cleaner in the event that the weekly cleaner is unavailable
- Ensures cleaning tasks are being completed
- Organizes and participates in extra cleaning for special events (e.g. Open House)
- Coordinates, in collaboration with the teaching team, the term cleaning parties
- Informs the Database Registrar of those families who have fulfilled their cleaning duty
Weekly Cleaner 1, 2, 3, 4 (four positions)
- Performs a 2-hour cleaning shift during their assigned week each month, as directed by the teacher and Cleaning Coordinator
- Informs the Cleaning Coordinator if they are unable to clean during their assigned week
Weekly Classroom Cleaner Alternative
- Fills-in for cleaners in case of vacancy or vacation
- Will receive at least one week notice for 2 hour cleaning shift
- Helps with additional cleaning during Open House
May be given Take-Home cleaner jobs
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- Takes home laundry as needed to wash for the school
- Does sewing repairs as instructed by the teacher
Maintenance Helper 1 (In-Classroom)
- Completes minor repairs and maintenance in the classroom throughout the year. Basic carpentry and painting may be involved
Maintenance Helper 2 (Take-Home Projects)
- Completes more involved maintenance projects on own time at home. Carpentry and painting may be involved
- Assists the teaching team with set-up and clean-up of classroom events (i.e. Mother's Day celebration, Father's Day celebration, Pumpkin celebration, Winter Holiday celebration, National Children's Day celebration, etc.)
- Prepares craft projects for these events
- Creates or purchases table decorations, party hats, etc. as directed by the teaching staff
Submits receipts to the Co-Treasurer for reimbursement
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Teachers’ Helper (Classroom Helper)
- Maintains bulletin board displays with the direction of the teaching staff
- Assists the teaching team with preparing class craft projects
- Performs other tasks from the “Parent Helper To Do List”
- Mails or faxes fieldtrip feedback letters and other correspondence from the teaching staff
Teacher Helper (Home Helper) 2s, 3s, 4s
- Calls or e-mails, on a as needs basis, the families in their classes, to relay any messages regarding any matter having to do with the Society and the School
- Completes take-home craft preparations (i.e. cutting shapes from construction paper)
- Makes play dough, or other craft recipes, as per schedule distributed in September
Photo Coordinator
- Takes pictures of classroom activities and events
- Gets film developed and sleeves it into a photo album
- Records date and names in the album
- Creates photo display boards for special events and promotions
Classroom Support Committee
Committee Members: Food Purchasers, Supplies Purchaser, Librarian, Scholastic Books Coordinator, Printer, Transporter/Recycler
Food Purchaser
- Buys groceries and other snack supplies on a weekly basis
- Submits receipts to the Co-Treasurer for reimbursement
Food Purchaser (Organic Produce)
- Purchases organic produce for classroom snack on weekly basis
- Researches the best prices and quality for organic produce
Submits receipts to Co-Treasurer for reimbursement
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Supplies and Materials Purchaser
- Buys materials and supplies for the operation of the Society’s and the school’s program and activities as directed by the Executive
- Maintains an inventory (narrated video) of the Society’s property
- Submits receipts to the Co-Treasurer for reimbursement
- Maintains an inventory of the school library
- Re-files books
- Repairs books as necessary
- Does internet research on books
- Coordinates Scholastic Book orders
- Photocopies documents created for the Board, teaching staff, parents, and general public (brochures, flyers, registration packages, Parent Handbooks, memos, newsletters, etc.)
- Submits receipts to the Co-Treasurer for reimbursement
- Transports large loads as necessary (e.g. gym equipment, fall stock) – requires a van or truck
- Takes recycling home once a week
- Takes returnables (cans, bottles) to the bottle depot as needed
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