The focus of the age 4 & 5 year old program “Learning through Play” emphasizes social and emotional development. Children are supported as they engage in cooperative play and develop friendship skills. Building a sense of community is an important aspect of our program.
Language development, math and literacy skills are key components as well as a focus on fine motor development.
Topics of study are identified based on the observed interests of the children. Children play a role in deciding the direction of the program. Field experiences are planned according to the topic of interest, as well as the recreational needs of the children.
Music, movement and fine arts are daily components of the program. Gross motor play, including outdoor play is offered daily. The music program is carried out by a music therapist. See more information about the music program here.
Also included is a cooking program where each child takes part in a developmentally appropriate cooking experience each week. The cooking program teaches both gross and fine motor skills as well helps children develop socially as concepts and ideas are discussed. Learning to follow directions and sequencing is also part of the program.
Springhill prepares your child for kindergarten by including children in "School Readiness" activities. The focus is on exposing children to concepts rather than emphasizing perfection. Concepts include recognizing alphabet letters, practicing proper pencil grip, using scissors properly and learning to print their name.
If you have a child age four or five and this program sounds interesting, contact Springhill to arrange a time to visit the classroom and see, for yourself, "Learning through Play".