The focus of the “Learning through Play” program for children age 3 is social and emotional. They learn to cooperate in a group setting. Routines and transitions are modeled and taught. Children are supported as they engage in associative play and learn to play cooperatively.
Language development, math and literacy are important aspects of our program. Topics of study are identified based on the observed interests of the children. Field experiences are generally planned according to the topic of interest and are quite often physical and recreational in nature.
Program experiences often encourage physical expression allowing children to engage in whole-body and hands-on experiences. Music, movement and fine arts are daily components of the program. Gross motor play, including outdoor play is offered daily. The music program is carried out by a music therapist. See more information about the music program here.
If you have a three year old and this program sounds interesting, contact Springhill to arrange a time to visit the classroom and see, for yourself, "Learning through Play".