Springhill is proud to be one of the few Edmonton preschools that offer a 2 year old program.
The "Learning through Play" program for children age 2 is very much social and emotional. Children learn to coexist in a group setting and to interact with adults other than their parents. Routines and transitions are molded and taught. Children are not expected to share effectively or to take turns. They are guided closely as they develop social skills.
There is a strong language development component to our toddler program. They practice communication with adults and peers, and are immersed in rich language.
Program experiences are often tactile and kinaesthetic by design, allowing children to explore the environment using their senses and to engage in hands-on experiences.
Music, movement and fine art are daily components of the program. Gross motor play, including outdoor play is offered daily. Field trips and field experiences are planned to enable children to move their bodies and to engage in hands-on exploration of their environment. The music program is carried out by a music therapist. See more information about the music program here.
Toilet learning is modeled and washroom routines are frequent and flexible.
If you have a two year old and this program sounds interesting, contact Springhill to arrange a time to visit the classroom and see, for yourself, "Learning through Play".